Saturday, November 10, 2012

Its ok...

Happy weekend my blog friends! 

It's okay that I ate that burger at the football game today. At least I ran the past 2 mornings and will be running tomorrow as well! :)

It's okay that sometimes when I am incredibly stressed or very hurt I bury my face in my pillow and just cry.

It's okay that sometimes I cant say NO to chocolate. I mean chocolate is a serious essential to happiness. Right? :)

It's okay that I have no decorating skills and that I am really relying on my neighbor to help me out the next couple of months in transforming my house into feeling more "homey." 

It's okay If some days I go to work with no make up on. Sometimes it's the least of my worries in the morning.

It's okay that I rant and rave to a closest friend about whats bothering me and about my insecurities, that IS what friends are for.

It's okay that sometimes I feel the NEED to buy that pair of earrings because they will go with SO many outfits ;), (like how I said NEED? lol)

It's okay that I pick out names for my kids that I someday will have..It's fun! 


Our box of stuff for OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD that we'll be taking to church tomorrow! :D

Winston and I hanging out on a Friday night :) ((had my hair done on Friday, kind of hard to tell in the pic but its dark brown with red in it!))

Love this quote a lot! It is entirely true, God can do far more for us than we can do for our self!

Everyone meet Prince Jacob the peacock! I work for a vet clinic and this was one of our patients. He came in because he stopped eating and was losing weight. The owner actually has a total of 4 peacocks! What a beautiful creature he is and very sweet. 

Thanks for stopping and reading my post! I've become kind of addicted
to this blogging world ;)



  1. cute post! thanks for visiting my blog :) I'd love to follow :)

  2. aww, what an honest post. I know I can be hard on myself for the silliest things. I often have to say "It is okay Abi" I have a long list of names for the children that one day we may have... It is super fun, scary at times because I change my mind on the names I picked. Can't do that once we have a little one :)
    have a great time at church
    Abi K

    1. it is so easy to be hard on our selves isnt it? sometimes we just need to sit back and one is perfect and THAT IS OKAY. It always takes me daysss to think of a name for a new animal i cant even imagine a kid haha!! thanks for the comment,love :D

  3. I love that you work at a vet clinic! My grandparents used to have peacocks at their farm and I thought they were awesome! And yes to chocolate being essential to happiness. Haha.

    1. Ive been in the vet field for 7 years now and i love it. peacocks are absolutely beautiful <3

  4. I can't say no to chocolate either! Which hasn't been a good thing lately with all of this leftover Halloween candy! :-)

    1. hahaha i kept some halloween candy and made my boyfriend take the rest to work or id probably gain 20 pounds in a month!!

  5. Your hair looks so pretty!! And I would totally buy the earrings just to go with one outfit LOL

  6. I WISH i could leave the house without make-up!! LOL! I would scare everyone away! And it's okay to cry into your pillow. I do it too! :)

    1. Nooo you're beautiful! I dont believe that for a second :) and yes crying into a pillow just helps sometimes..ya no?

  7. Your blog is so cute! I'm a new GFC follower :)

  8. i love the "it's okay" true!! good post.

  9. ahh this post makes me feel so much better ;) I have been picking out my children's names since I was 7.

    1. haha awe..braydon was always my most favorite boy name until it became sooo popular :/

  10. YAY! I just noticed the follow thing is up. :) When I get stressed, I cry too. Totally natural in my book! Your hair looks beautiful and so perfect for fall!
