Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pen Pals!

So..I don't know about all of you but I absolutely LOVE getting mail that isn't
some sort of bill or completely junk mail. A couple of my friends and I decided to be pen pals! It is so much fun! It all started almost 3 years ago actually. I was pretty busy
and didn't always have time for a phone call and texting can be so impersonal 
anyways so my friend Erin (who lives in Ohio) and I started sending
each other cards once a month. We'd pick out a cute or
funny card and just write about whats been
going on in our lives. It was great and we
both became hooked! I would be so excited to run
to the mailbox each afternoon to see
if I had gotten a card! Since then
I've asked a few other
friends of mine if they'd
like to also be my
pen-pal and most
thought it was an
awesome idea!

So now I have about 5 girls that I write to once a month! It's always fun to go to
the store and pick out unique cards for each friend or to find cute
stationary in the store and buy some of that! I think technology has
taken over our world and most people skip the phone
calls and go straight to texting or emailing. Which there is absolutely nothing
wrong with that, I do both, frequently but it is nice to just sit down
at the table and write a heart felt letter to a friend<3

So I'm wondering..do any of you girls have pen pals? I encourage you to try it out!



  1. This is so fun! I love the idea and I love getting mail...such a breath of fresh air from the social media world. Good for you ladies!

    1. I know! I always am super excited when I see a card in the mail from one of my friends! :D
